
Development Agency Of Eastern Thessaloniki’s Local Authorities – Center For The Development Of Human Resources And The Support Of Local Economy. ANATOLIKI S.A.

ANATOLIKI S.A – Regional Development Agency was established in May 1995 as a Center for the Development of Human Resource and the Strengthening of the Local Economy. ANATOLIKI is located in the municipality of Thermi at the outskirts of the city of Thessaloniki, in the Region of Central Macedonia, the largest region in Greece.

The major share holders of ANATOLIKI are the Region of Central Macedonia, nine municipalities, Business Chambers and Associations which designed a strategic plan with the goal to transform the region into a green zone, in respect to other similar international initiatives.

ANATOLIKI is a tool for a more rapid and comprehensive approach towards this goal.

The organization has significantly contributed to promoting the recycling system in the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki, in addressing employment issues of vulnerable groups, promoting renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in municipalities, the sustainable management of mobility, the management of water resources, the operation of social structures, and the support of the European Network of Elected Greeks in Local Authorities Abroad.

ANATOLIKI S.A. operates in the following axes:

  • Human resources support
  • Environmental protection measures and education
  • Energy efficiency
  • Sustainable mobility
  • Consulting support to school communities
  • Social and circular economy
  • Agricultural development
  • Promotion of innovation and new technologies
  • Consulting Local Authorities and SMEs

The result of the above was the selection of ANATOLIKI S.A. by the Greek Ministry of Environment and infrastructures as the Greek proposer for the initiative ‘101 ways towards Sustainable Development’ during the United Nations Johannesburg Summit 2002

The Regional Energy Agency of Central Macedonia (REACM), is a department of ANATOLIKI S.A, especially active in the following sectors:  


  • Technical support for LAs in developing Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) as part of the European initiative “Covenant of Mayors”
  • Technical support for LAs in submitting applications for energy saving project financing
  • Promotion of energy saving in buildings through energy audits and energy performance certification of buildings
  • Organization of workshops to promote energy saving best practices
  • Elaboration of educational tools on energy saving



  • Participation in the European network of bio-energy regions for energy production from biomass
  • Waste To Energy projects through utilization of agricultural residues and manure
  • Establishment and operation of “Information Center for Biofuels”, aiming to promote best practices in the field of biofuels usage and production


  • Geothermal energy exploitation projects in urban and rural areas
  • Studies on the utilization of geothermal energy for heating and power supply of swimming pools


  • Promotion of good practices in utilizing the local solar potential
  • Promotion of applications of solar domestic hot water systems and PVs for electricity production


  • Establishment of the first Mobility Info Point in Greece (KEM), in collaboration with the Municipality of Kalamaria, the Integrated Transport Authority of Thessaloniki and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT)
  • Dissemination of the principles of sustainable mobility and alternative modes of transport in primary and secondary education as well as pre-school children
  • Technical support for the elaboration of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans


Albanian Association of Municipalities

Shoqata e Bashkive të Shqipërisë

The Albanian Association of Municipalities (AAM) is a nonpolitical, nonreligious, nonprofit association. The Albanian association of Municipalities is a volunteer and independent union of Albanian municipalities which want to contribute in the protection of common interests of the units of local government of the cities, with the purpose to strengthen and develop the democratic structures and mechanisms in the organization and functioning of municipalities and the application of the European Charter of Local Autonomy.

AAM is a volunteer and independent association of municipalities established on October 12, 1993 at the request of a group of 10 mayors. It is for the first time in Albanian environment creates such an organization, which would defend the common interests of the Albanian municipalities for their development and democratization.

Association counts as its volunteer members, all municipalities of Albania. AAM has the status of a non-profit organization (NGO) with a geographical spread across the country. Its ongoing efforts aimed awareness of the structures and institutions of the central government to accelerate the process of decentralization and strengthening the role of municipalities in their governance role, providing continuous concrete results. The role and contribution of the association today is fairly valued and recognized not only by its members but also from central government institutions, donors, international associations of local authorities.

Purposes of Albanian Association of Municipalities:

  • To protect the common interests of Albanian municipalities aiming the achievement and development of the real democratization and decentralization of governance, in order to reach the European self-government local standards according the European Charter of Local Autonomy.
  • To fulfill different services for the municipalities, association members, offering training and possibilities of qualification for the authorities and local administration staff.
  • To represent the Albanian municipalities in relations with other Albanian and foreign organisms, in and out of the country.
  • To make possible the discussion of common problems in association’s forums intending to find practical solutions and exchange different experiences among them.
  • To facilitate the establishment of contacts between municipalities and their foreign partners as analogous associations, international institutions, aiming the exchange of information and development of common programs for cooperation.
  • The establishment of direct relations with the Parliament of the Republic of Albania, the Government of the Republic of Albania for the protection of the local self-government bodies interests, becoming main actors in the compilation of decentralization policies for the local government.
  • AAM cooperates with the Parliament of the Republic of Albania, the Government of the Republic of Albania, the Ministries and other governmental and non-governmental organisms and with international organisms operating in the field of local government.


Shoqata e Bashkive të Shqipërisë është një shoqatë jopolitike, jofetare dhe jofitimprurëse. Shoqata e Bashkive të Shqipërisë është një bashkim vullnetar dhe i pavarur i bashkive të Shqipërisë. SHBSH u themelua më 12 tetor 1993, me kërkesë të një grupi prej 10 kryetarë bashkish. Fillimi i punës së shoqatës nuk ishte shumë i lehtë për arsyen se për herë të parë në ambjentin shqiptar krijohej një organizatë e tillë e cila do të mbronte interesat e përbashkëta të bashkive shqiptare për zhvillimin dhe demokratizimin e tyre.

Shoqata numëron si anëtarë vullnetarë të saj, të gjitha bashkitë e Shqipërisë. SHBSH mban statusin e një organizate jofitimprurëse (OJF) me një shtrirje gjeografike në të gjithë territorin e vendit. Përpjekjet e saj të vazhdueshme kanë synuar sensibilizimin e strukturave dhe institucioneve të pushtetit qendror për përshpejtimin e proçesit të decentralizimit, si dhe konsolidimi i rolit të bashkive në ushtrim të rolit të tyre qeverisës, duke dhënë në vazhdimësi rezultate konkrete. Roli dhe kontributi i shoqatës sot është mjaft i vlerësuar dhe i njohur jo vetëm nga anëtarët e saj por edhe nga institucionet në pushtetin qendror, donatorët, shoqatat ndërkombëtare të autoriteteve vendore.

Shoqata e Bashkive të Shqipërisë, qysh nga themelimi i saj e deri tani, ka krijuar një vizion gjithnjë e më të qartë të veprimtarisë së saj, të rolit që ajo duhet të luajë në konsolidimin e bashkive, në ushtrim nga ana e tyre të funksioneve qeverisëse.

Veprimtaritë kryesore të Shoqatës:

  • Realizon shërbime të ndryshme ndaj bashkive, anëtarëve të shoqatës, duke ofruar trajnime dhe kualifikime për autoritetet dhe administratën vendore.
  • Vendos lidhje të drejtpërdrejta me Kuvendin e R.SH., Qeverine e R.SH, për mbrojtjen e interesave të organeve të vetqeverisjes vendore, duke u bërë aktorë kryesorë në hartimin e politikave decentralizuese për qeverinë vendore.
  • Përfaqëson bashkitë shqiptare në marrëdhëniet me organizmat e ndryshme shqiptare dhe të huaja, brenda dhe jashtë vendit.
  • Mundëson diskutimin e problemeve te perbashketa ne forumet e shoqates, me qellim gjetjen e zgjidhjeve praktike, si dhe shkembimin e eksperiencave te ndryshme midis tyre.
  • Lehtëson vendosjen e kontakteve midis bashkive dhe partnerëve të tyre jashtë vendit, si shoqata analoge, institucione ndërkombëtare, me qëllim shkëmbimin e informacioneve dhe zhvillimin e programeve të përbashkëta të bashkëpunimit.
  • Mbron interesat e përbashkëta të bashkive shqiptare, me qëllim arritjen dhe zhvillimin e demokratizimit dhe decentralizimit të vërtetë të qeverisjes, për arritjen e standarteve europiane të vetëqeverisjes lokale, sipas parimeve të Kartës Europiane të Autonomisë Lokale.
  • Mundëson diskutimin e problemeve të përbashkëta në forumet e shoqatës, me qëllim gjetjen e zgjidhjeve praktike, si dhe shkëmbimin e eksperiencave më të mira midis bashkive.


Malta Intelligent Energy Management Agency

Malta Intelligent Energy Management Agency (MIEMA) was set up 2007 with the mission to support and encourage a more intelligent use of conventional energy resources and renewable sources by promoting awareness initiatives and research projects that contribute to define incisive and targeted action plans and policies of intervention in Malta.

Since it was established, the Agency has been involved in a number of EU funded projects developing research and activities on: green economy, sustainable practices in tourism and local governance, innovation in renewable energy sources (bio fuels, photovoltaic and wind power), heritage and landscape valorisation, smart-grids applications, sustainable mobility, IT and e-learning tools. In collaboration with educational institutions and Universities, MIEMA organises educational and training activities, conferences and seminars, offers internships to students on research mobility programmes and develops capacity building for policymakers.


Cyprus Energy Agency

The Cyprus Energy Agency (CEA) is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization, founded in 2009 for carrying out activities related to the promotion of renewable energy, energy saving, and sustainable transport and urban mobility. The Cyprus Energy Agency is managed by an eleven-member Management Board, the members of which are set out in its founding statutes. The Cyprus Energy Agency advises special Advisory Committee, which brings together adjoining European organizations, European and international networks, and many institutional organizations from Cyprus.

The mission of the Energy Agency is to be an information point of the local society, providing education and vocational training, as well as a point of promoting local and European partnerships and research and development, enhancing the role of local authorities in the sustainable energy planning issues, with a view in protecting the environment, the promotion of renewable energy sources, energy saving and sustainable transport. The educational activities of the Energy Agency were classified amongst the 10 best in Europe based on the evaluation made for the “Local Energy Action Awards 2012”.

In the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Cyprus Energy Agency, it has organized numerous conferences, training seminars, examinations, meetings, and workshops, which strengthen the links of cooperation between the Cyprus Energy Agency and local actors.

Up to today the Cyprus Energy Agency has participated in more than 30 EU/National co-funded projects (MED, ENPI, IEE, INTERREG IVC, Build up Skills, Horizon 2020, Life Long Learning, CLIMATE KIC etc), and cover a wide range of topics, such as:

  • Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans for Local Authorities
  • Capacity building for the public and private sector
  • Production of biofuels from microalgae
  • Training and certification of RES and EE installers, as well as energy auditors and energy managers
  • Identification of the environmental impacts of the penetration of RES
  • Promotion of RES
  • Increase of Energy Efficiency in the residential sector
  • Energy performance of homes, public buildings and sport facilities
  • Training and active involvement of students and the local community
  • Supporting the implementation of energy projects
  • Climate change
  • Innovation

It is also remarkable that the project WE-qualify which was coordinated by the Cyprus Energy Agency was selected along with 8 other nominees for the EUSEW Awards 2016, from almost 200 very high-quality applications.

As of September 2016, Cyprus has joined the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Climate-KIC family through the Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS). Cyprus Energy Agency, along with Cyprus University of Technology (lead partner) and Chrysalis LEAP organize activities every year including Accelerator Programmes with funding, Summer Schools, Industrial Placements, Ideation events, support of climate innovators and much more.

Cyprus Energy Agency is a member of FEDARENE and EnergyCities families.


Building and Civil Engineering Institute ZRMK

(Gradbeni inštitut ZRMK)

The beginnings of the company date back to 1949, when ZRMK (Zavod za raziskavo materiala in konstrukcij) was formed as a central national institution to conduct research work, technological development, and applications in the civil engineering and construction material industry. Following series of reorganisations and restructuring in late 1990s and early 2000s a privately-owned daughter company named Gradbeni inštitut ZRMK (Building and Civil Engineering Institute ZRMK; BCEI ZRMK) was established in 2003 as a modern and a development-oriented institute operating in the field of materials, constructions, indoor environment, building physics, energy, geotechnics, engineering geology and traffic routes.

The year 2017 marks the beginning of a new chapter, as on the 21st December 2016 the BCEI ZRMK company has come under a full ownership of »DRI upravljanje investicij, d.o.o.« (DRI Investment Management Ltd.). DRI is a state-established company holding a status of the biggest engineering and consulting company in Slovenia. The primary focus of BCEI ZRMK services and activities has shifted to the public sector, e.g. the government and its ministries and offices, and other public entities including local administrations.

Among several BCEI ZRMK organisational units the Centre for Indoor Environment, Building Physics and Energy is the one responsible for research and development work in a broader area of sustainability in the building sector.

One of our major tasks is assistance to the Slovenian Government in transposition and implementation of EU directives (EPBD, Recast EPBD, EED etc.) by preparing analyses and proposals for national technical rules, guidelines, policies and technical background for, among other:

  • energy performance certification (EPC) of buildings,
  • minimum requirements for new buildings and major renovation,
  • energy renovation of heritage buildings,
  • national plan for nZEB,
  • long-term strategy for mobilizing investments in major renovation of existing buildings,
  • green procurement criteria for public and private sector,
  • national building sustainability indicators and assessment methodology.

We have been appointed as a national provider of training and examination of independent experts for EPC and have developed a demo national EPC registry. By appointment of the Slovenian Government we have been representing Slovenia in Concerted Action EPBD 1, 2, 3 and 4.

For almost two decades we managed the national energy advisory network ENSVET. We play a visible role in various professional associations, including Green Building Council Slovenia and Construction Cluster of Slovenia. We were technically advising the national Eco Fund in development of national subsidy programmes for energy efficiency measures, and the SID bank (Slovenian export and development bank) for allocation of EIB loan for EE renovation of residential buildings. We have also conceived the “Quality Mark in Construction” voluntary green label, a unique scheme of its kind in Slovenia, running now for the second decade.

Besides the core professional tasks (field inspections, measurements, software analysis and simulations, expert opinions and studies, etc.) our activities include also facility management, tackling of energy poverty, training of professionals, quality assurance and control, feasibility studies, and transfer of new technologies, materials and approaches for efficient use of energy in buildings into national construction practice.

Over the last two decades we have been continuously involved in various international programmes, and as such cooperated in over 50 European projects (Intelligent Energy Europe, 5th, 6th, 7th Framework, Central Europe, Alpine Space, Horizon 2020, Interreg MED etc.) building up a network of prominent national contacts and actors from all sectors, including governmental bodies, municipalities, local energy agencies, NGOs, private entities, and media.

On the local level we support municipalities and local administration in preparation of mandatory local energy concepts and sustainable energy action plans, planning of renovation and development of building stock and local infrastructure, and in activities for applying to national calls for tenders for energy efficiency investments related to the European Cohesion policy and various international and national financing mechanisms.


MUSOL Foundation

Fundación MUSOL

MUSOL was founded in 1998 with the help of a group of local authorities employees, professionals, experts and researchers who centre their interests and professional careers in the field of Spanish and European local public administration.

Since its foundation, MUSOL has a vocation directed at working with the regional and local entities with the aim of strengthening the capacity of the local stakeholders and their roles in local sustainable development. Over the years MUSOL has diversified its activities, from a geographic and sectoral point of view; however, the organization reaffirms its aspiration to constitute a point of reference in the work of local public entities and organizations of Spain, Europe, Africa and Latin America.

The mission of MUSOL is to promote the sustainable development, developing and strengthening the capacities of regional and local governments as well as those of the civil societies in Spain, Europe, Africa and Latin America. All of this, within the framework of the processes of development, decentralization and current participation of the recipient countries of our activity.

It specializes in the strengthening of local and regional governments since they are the institutions in closest proximity to the people and they are responsible for the basic services of water, health and education, defending democratic values, social justice, equality and human rights.

At the present, it develops different sustainable development cooperation projects in Europe, Latin America and Africa.


MUSOL nace en 1998 de la mano de un grupo de funcionarios, profesionales, expertos e investigadores que centran sus intereses y carreras profesionales en el ámbito de la administración regional y local española y europea.

Desde su fundación, MUSOL tiene una vocación dirigida al trabajo con los entes locales y regionales, con el objetivo de fortalecer las capacidades de los actores locales y su papel en el desarrollo sostenible local. A lo largo de los años MUSOL ha diversificado su acción, desde el punto de vista geográfico y sectorial; sin embargo, la organización reafirma su ambición de constituir una referencia en el trabajo con los entes públicos y las organizaciones locales de España, Europa, África y América Latina.

La misión de MUSOL es promover el desarrollo sostenible, desarrollando y fortaleciendo las capacidades tanto de los gobiernos regionales y locales como de la sociedad civil española, europea, de África y América Latina, todo ello en el marco de los procesos de desarrollo, descentralización y participación vigentes en los países donde trabaja.

Especializada en el fortalecimiento de los gobiernos locales y regionales por ser instituciones cercanas a las personas y responsables de los servicios básicos a la ciudadanía, defiende los valores democráticos, la justicia social, la equidad y los derechos humanos.

Actualmente, desarrolla diferentes proyectos de desarrollo sostenible en Europa, Latinoamérica y África, así como por toda la geografía española.


ANCI Lazio – Regional Association of Cities and Municipalities

ANCI Lazio (Lazio Region Association of Cities and Municipalities, based in Rome, is part of the National Association of Italian Municipalities and actively participates to common activities as required by the National Regulation.

The aim of the Association is the protection of the local autonomies recognised by the Constitution and by the National and Regional legislation; further aim is the safeguard of rights and interests of participating agencies.

At local level ANCI Lazio carries out the following activities:

a) represents the interests of its members (378 Municipalities) in competent premises;

b) nominates Municipalities’ delegates in the Institutional Regional bodies;

c) promotes the analysis of problems of interest for its members;

d) attends with its own delegates in each seat where interests of local autonomies are discussed or administered;

e) distributes information, consultancies and assistance to the members;

d) analyses problems related to Local Agencies employees; it states general directives on such matter to be of use for single agencies determinations; where provided by legislation, it signs agreements legally valid, with trade-union organisations for matters object of regional negotiation;

e) promotes and organises workshops on matters related to Local Administration activities and Local Administration employees;

f) promotes and encourages initiatives for civic education of citizens and to increase their knowledge of Local Agencies’ activities;

g) studies and promotes the adoption of measures to stimulate citizens’ participation to Local Agencies activities;

h) carries out activities jointly with similar Associations of Local Agencies.

At international level ANCI Lazio has set up a permanent cooperation network, among different twinned municipalities and has promoted a mutual understanding among their citizens, thanks to an intercultural dialogue approach. It has been also very active in the promotion of the European integration process, debates and policies among its member Municipalities and their civil servants thanks to:

  • dedicated conferences (e.g. Conference “The EU programming period 2007-2013 and the opportunities for local authorities in the Lazio region”);
  • training sessions (series of lectures for young politicians);
  • study trips (e.g. to Brussels, with the organization of thematic meetings with officers of the EU Commission to better understand the impact of EU legislation and policies on local authorities).

Furthermore, ANCI Lazio supports the role of Municipalities as the level governance closer to citizens.


North-west Croatia Regional Energy Agency

Regionalna energetska agencija Sjeverozapadne Hrvatske

North-west Croatia Regional Energy Agency (REGEA) was established by the City of Zagreb and three neighbouring counties – Zagreb, Karlovac and Krapina-Zagorje in 2008 within the framework of the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme. After a modest start, as a first regional energy agency in Croatia, REGEA has become the leading energy centre in wider South-East Europe region.

With a team of 29 hardworking employees our primary mission is to promote and encourage regional sustainable energy development through utilization of renewable energy sources and implementation of energy efficiency projects.

Our scope of work includes providing information, education and promotion of energy sector’s best and brightest examples, support in the development and implementation of national, regional and local energy plans and programmes, energy audits and certifications, energy performance contracting and public private partnerships.


Regionalna energetska agencija Sjeverozapadne Hrvatske (REGEA) je započela s radom 2008. godine uz potporu Europske komisije u sklopu programa Inteligentna Energija za Europu.

Osnovni cilj i uloga agencije jest promoviranje i poticanje regionalnog održivog razvoja u području energetike i zaštite okoliša kroz korištenje obnovljivih izvora energije i uvođenje mjera povećane energetske efikasnosti. Osim toga, Agencija ima zadatak i uvođenje dobre prakse gospodarenja energijom, potiče koncept održivog razvoja, pruža informacije i savjete te niz drugih usluga baziranih na specifičnim lokalnim potrebama za energijom.


University of Algarve – CRIA

The University of Algarve is a Portuguese public higher education institution located in the southern region of Portugal, the Algarve, having three campi, Gambelas, Penha and Health, in Faro and another campus in Portimão.

The University of Algarve operates 55 graduate and 97 postgraduate programs (72 MsC and 25 Phd) counting with 796 permanent teaching and research staff that developed a significant number of research projects (68 R&D only) enhanced also by the research work produced by 120 fellowship grant holders demonstrating a clear commitment towards R&D and Innovation. The total staff is 1184 persons, constituting of 786 professors/researchers and 398 technician and administratives. In the academic year 2016/17 there are 7260 students, of which 1625 are postgraduate students.

The scientific groundwork of the University of Algarve is developed around four main areas (Sea, Health, Food and Well-Being, Arts & Heritage, and Tourism) that aggregate all research work aiming that innovative ideas can be turned into products and services. The University of Algarve has well-established research centers in several fields such as marine sciences, bio-medicine, electronics, chemistry, arts and communication and social sciences.

Steered by international, inter-personal and inter-institutional networks, and projects developed in cooperation with other universities, the University of Algarve aims to update its learning contents and to foster innovation considering these synergies as an opportunity not only to contribute to its curriculum development but also to boost research project incubation pursuing the ultimate goal of higher education institutions: to reach academic expertise and to demonstrate excellence in research.

CRIA is the Division of Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer of the University of Algarve, aiming to promote relations between the university and the industry, increase the technology and knowledge transfer, support the establishment of new firms, generalize the use of Industrial Property rights and develop technological infrastructures to enhance specific research fields, in the Algarve.

CRIA was born in 2003, as an answer for the need of creating a service to support the development of advanced business ideas and inventions born at the university that could migrate to the market.

The intervention areas of CRIA are: Intellectual Property and Licensing Support, Commercialization and Technology Transfer, Entrepreneurship and Business Development, European Projects and Studies.

The Division of Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer (CRIA) of the University of Algarve is intended to promote the relations between the University and the entrepreneurial world, and support the valorization and commercialization of the knowledge created within the University, acting as a supporting basis for new companies, specifically star-ups and spin offs. In addition, CRIA works in close collaboration with other local/regional/national agents, private and public, allowing the integration of various competences in the implementation of the project. This can be extremely important since allows the identification of the main players in the market, and the development of potential collaborations.

CRIA has a significant experience in EU projects, having participated in several projects under EU funding of Territorial Cooperation Programs (as INTERREG EUROPE, MED, etc…), of R&D (HORIZON2020) and of Education and Training (ERASMUS +).


Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces

Federación Valenciana de Municipios y Provincias

The Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FVMP) is a non-profit association with its own legal and public personality, made up of Municipalities, Provinces and other Local Entities that voluntarily decide for the defence and promotion of local autonomy and local interests. Their territorial scope is the region Comunidad Valenciana, being composed of 539 City Councils, 29 Municipal Associations, 6 Minor Local Entities and the County Councils of Valencia, Castellón and Alicante.

The objectives and activities of FVMP are the following:

  • Promotion and defence of Local Entities autonomy.
  • Representation, defence and promotion of Local Entities interests in front of politic, legal and administrative authorities;
  • Development and consolidation of European spirit in local scope, based on autonomy and solidarity among Local Entities;
  • Promotion and accomplishment of studies for the best knowledge of the problems and circumstances in local life;
  • Cooperation and technical assistance to the development of local interests;
  • Promotion and execution of training programmes on local subjects directed to politicians and civil employees;
  • Promotion, execution and giving of public and/or private enterprise initiatives and activities that contribute to economic local development and to employment creation, as well as the conservation and protection of environment, and in general, the improvement of the resident life quality of Valencia Region Local Entities.
  • Dissemination of knowledge about the local and provincial institutions among the residents of Comunidad Valenciana, promoting their participation in them.
  • Development and consolidation of democratic spirit in local scope, based on the autonomy and solidarity among the municipalities of Comunidad Valenciana.


La Federación Valenciana de Municipios y Provincias (FVMP) es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro con personalidad jurídica propia y pública, constituida por los Municipios, Provincias y demás Entidades Locales que voluntariamente lo decidan para la defensa y promoción de la autonomía local y de los intereses locales. Su ámbito territorial es la Comunidad Valenciana, estando compuesta por: 539 Ayuntamientos, 29 Mancomunidades, 6 Entidades Locales menores y las Diputaciones de Valencia, Castellón y Alicante.

Los objetivos y actividades de la FVMP son los siguientes:

  • Promoción y defensa de la autonomía de las Entidades Locales.
  • Representación, defensa y promoción de los intereses de las Entidades Locales ante las instancias políticas, administrativas y judiciales.
  • Desarrollo y consolidación del espíritu europeo en el ámbito local, basado en la autonomía y solidaridad entre las Entidades Locales.
  • Promoción y realización de estudios para el mejor conocimiento de los problemas y de las circunstancias en que se desenvuelve la vida local.
  • Cooperación y asistencia Técnica al desarrollo de los intereses locales.
  • Promoción y ejecución de programas y actividades de formación sobre temas locales dirigidos a los cargos electos y personal al servicio de la Administración.
  • Promoción, ejecución y prestación de iniciativas y actividades empresariales públicas o privadas que contribuyan al desarrollo económico local y a la creación de empleo, así como a la conservación y protección del medio ambiente y, en general, a mejorar la calidad de vida de los habitantes de las Entidades Locales de la Comunidad Valenciana.
  • Difusión del conocimiento de las instituciones locales, comarcales y provinciales entre los vecinos y vecinas de la Comunidad Valenciana, promoviendo su participación en las mismas.
  • Desarrollo y consolidación del espíritu democrático en el ámbito local, basado en la autonomía y la solidaridad entre los diversos municipios de la Comunidad Valenciana.
